Borderlands 3 Rick and Morty Gun Guide

Borderlands 3 Rick and Morty

Gearbox Software’s fifth overall and fourth main entry of the Borderlands game series is the Borderlands 3. Gearbox’s CEO announced the game, Randy Pitchford, on 28th March 2019, and the first release was done on 13th September 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on Epic Games Store.

Later on, the game was released for Google Stadia on 17th December 2019 and Steam for PC on 13th March 2020.

Rick and Morty Gun In Borderlands 3

Rick and Morty are the two prestigious guns that need a lot of luck to obtain. It is different from other story-based weapons; Rick and Morty is a rare gun drop that a rare enemy brings.

If you know where to find these two guns, you’re done with your half of the search, but there are a few ways that will increase the speed of the process to get the Redundant Phebert.

How To Obtain Rick And Morty Gun

Rick and Morty Gun Location

Borderlands 3 is stacked up with many intertextual connections, and the Rick and Morty gun is one of the latest research. Practically, it is known as Wick and Warty according to the gameplay; these are the two enemies who spawn randomly near Promethea in Lectra City. Before planning to reach the guns, you need to know how to get the Lectra City.

Rick and Morty itself are called the Redundant Phebert, a Hyperion rapid-fire shotgun that can significantly damage the enemies.

This gun is experienced to be obtained by a random drop by the Wick and Warty, who themselves are random spawn enemies. Therefore, it gets challenging to farm.

When you reach the Lectra City, you should spare some time farming the One Pump Chump, also known as “One Punch Man gun.” To get the Wick and Warty (Rick and Morty), start from the Lectra City travel station and move up the stairs.

Take a right and drive through the street, which will take you to the north of the map. You will come across the area where you will find the Porta Prison quest is started and numerous bots patrol; at the corner of this area, two shipping containers are placed where the Wick and Warty spawn.

Rick and Morty Fight 1

It depends on your level, whether killing Wick and Warty will be a challenge for you or it will be a breeze to kill them. Warty can transform himself into various forms like – Perforator Wart, Wrencher Warty, etc.

Wick can teleport around using Rick’s iconic portal gun, which appears to be green in color. You might trounce Warty, but Wick drops the Redundant Phebert.

Borderlands 3 Rick and Morty Fight 2

After killing Wick, if you do not get the gun from the drop, you need to exit the main menu and restart the game. It is experienced that roughly out of 10 attempts, Wick and Warty are seen twice and dropped the gun a single time only. The number of cracks can be more or less, but it will be near the scale of 10.

It is worth knowing that a player does not need to perform the quest of the bounty board at the Sanctuary. You will encounter Wick and Warty several times whether you have any mission active or not.

The bounty board mission teleports you its location, but on the other hand, it is a random spawn at the ship, so you cannot wholly rely on it.

Rick And Morty Gun – Redundant Phebert

There is a common question among the players, is Redundant Phebert worth it? And this can be only be decided by the user of the gun and its suitability. It is one of the Hyperion fast-firing shotguns capable of exerting a lot of damage to the enemies.

The primary reason for providing a lot of harm by this gun is that it is a Legendary weapon. (Get a full list of legendaries here).

The Redundant Phebert holds excellent stats, and using it over the One Punch Chup gun by the player is their choice, or we can say it’s the personal preference depending upon the build.

The Borderlands 3 Rick and Morty, or the Redundant Phebert, is one of the rare drops from Warty and Wick. The players who are chasing it to try this shotgun will have to grind a few times in the Lectra City, expecting to have double RNG while playing.

Redundant Phebert Stats

Magazine Size18
Fire Rate3.3/s
Reload Time3.5s
Damage56 x 2

Redundant Phebert Extras

  • It utilizes two ammo per shot.
  • Provides +25% weapon shield capacity.
  • Grants +41% weapon accuracy.
  • Exerts +361% weapon damage.
  • Performs +10% critical hit damage.
  • Faster than aa the estimates.

Redundant Phebert Add-Ons

  • Damage projected to the front-facing shield will reflect the bullets on the attackers.
  • Weapon Shield Capacity: 147

Legendary guns are hard to grind, but if a player can obtain these types of firearms, then the gameplay becomes easy to chase. Secondly, if you achieve any Legendary guns, getting other guns will become slighter easy as defeating the enemies won’t be challenging.

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