Borderlands 3 Cutsman Weapon Guide

Borderlands 3 Cutsman

When life pushes you down with stress and being bored up, we will really struggle hard to occupy our minds so that we will be freed of thoughts. Many have tried their hands in video games just because of this reason, and they realized that these games are more than entertaining people.

Borderlands 3 Cutsman is a weapon that the players widely prefer. As a player, you will be able to encounter it only when you reach the highest level in the game. You will get mesmerized by its force and attacks. It just turns down the enemies into pieces.

Borderlands 3 is a role-playing action game that made a massive response from the general audience. Many more new players got enrolled and started to love this game. The main aim of the player is to complete quests and side missions. When you have the opportunity to kill an enemy, then you can get the weapons and gears that they drop.

This game always received favorable reviews, and nearly five million copies were sold in five days. You can either play it alone or with a group of four people. You have different interesting levels and unexpected weapons with powerful and forceful attacks.

What is Borderlands 3 Cutsman?

Every Borderlands player would love to have this weapon while playing this game. Cutsman is a legendary submachine gun that Maliwan manufactures. You may wonder where to get this powerful weapon, but you can get it from any suitable loot source. You can highly expect them to be dropped out from Borman Nates, located in Meridian Outskirts on Promethea.

Special Weapon Effects

Borderlands 3 Cutsman Weapon Preview

Cutsman always spawns with a blade attachment. It fires two explosive orbs that are horizontally widened along the travel path, which is tethered by a damaging laser beam.


Cutsman burns out a unique clothesline laser beam that cuts the enemies into pieces. This beam has no limitation, and it passes through all units and terrain. In case if any one of the explosive orbs at the ends of the laser comes into contact with an enemy, the shot will start to dissipate.

Borderlands 3 Cutsman must be fired out from a distance, which will allow the beams to widen, and it will pass through the enemies’ bodies and give out as many hits as possible. There is a fixed travel distance of the huntsman missiles. And it will make it ineffective beyond the medium range.

The beams can damage enemies multiple times as they have the capability to travel through. So, as a result, you will be able to give many successful hits against a target with a large hitbox. As an added advantage, Borderlands 3 Cutsman is having high-status effect damage. But, its overall damage is not spectacular. Cutsman will excel by whittling enemies down within time by maintaining a safe distance.


Cutsman Details

It has two important features which make it a more important weapon in the game.

  • The increased projectile speed of Borderlands 3 Cutsman will allow the beams to travel farther, but the beams will exit the enemie’s body sooner and it will result for a loss of damage.
  • Hotfix 10/17/2019: The Damaged is reduced by 25%.

Is Cutsman good for Borderlands 3?

If you have already spent so many hours in the game, you definitely must have seen the legendary weapons used in the game. There are many powerful weapons, but the outstanding among them all is Cutsman.

If you are already at the highest level and looking for the best legendary weapon and then let me tell you, this one will be a good choice. This weapon has the power and capability to shoot out Two missiles at a time that move away from each other, which will result in creating an elementary feature and creates severe damage to everything that it passes through.

Cutsman is a strong weapon and it causes a huge damage per second in the element of weapon used. So definitely it is a good one in borderlands.

Does the Cutsman do Splash Damage?

It is a well-known fact that Cutsman shoots 2 Orbs that travels horizontally, diverge and link together, and as a result, that will form an Energy-Blade which is dealing elemental damage. And when the orbs hit an enemy before ever creating an Energy-Blade, they will deal Splash Damage.

Borderlands 3 Cutsman Drops

Cutsman Drops

World Drop

Cutsman is a legendary weapon that is capable of dropping powerful drops. These are the items that can be dropped from any suitable Loot Source but in addition to any other source.

Borderlands 3 Cutsman Features

Cutsman is a legendary weapon that is capable of dropping powerful drops. These are the items that can be dropped from any suitable Loot Source but in addition to any other source.

  • The reason why this legendary weapon is remarkable is it has massive damage points of 27020 points.
  • You won’t believe it has an accuracy of 65% while targeting the enemies.
  • It has 58% when it comes to the Handling category.
  • It doesn’t trouble you with the reloading time, and it may just take 3.2 seconds.
  • It has a fire rate of over 4.54 per second.
  • The size of the magazine in this extraordinary weapon is merely 20.

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