Find 2 Important Clues for The Dart in AC Valhalla

The Dart in AC Valhalla 2 important clues

Dart in AC Valhalla is a character of Tata, a component of the Order of the Ancient’s Wardens of Law sector that held the title of Palatinus. He used to visit the Quatford stable east of Sciropescire. Tata has another nickname, Protector of Otta’s Wyrd, out of order.

Speaking about Tata’s stories, he announced that he had grown up in the Mercia area, showing his commitment to this world.

History of Dart in AC Valhalla

The Dart in AC Valhalla: 2 Important Clues

As a youth, Tata traveled across the Ledecestrescire, Sciropescire, and Oxenefordscire states. He wanted to continue his grandfather’s legacy when he fought for the great King Offa of Mercia. Tata knew everything about the old king because of his intelligence and consideration of each job, including the king’s membership and order. So, he wanted to indulge in the same route and join the order, and soon he wanted to move up to the level of Palatinus.

Personality of Dart in AC Valhalla

Tata’s name was recognized as The Dart in AC Valhalla because of his strength and knowledge. In the 870s, Tata’s membership within the Order was acquired by Viking Shieldmaiden Eivor Varinsdottir, knowing the clue when he ordered the execution of Eanbhert at his home in Glowecester.

The trial revealed the truth of the demolished tower located at the east of Caustow Castle in Sciropescire, resemble as The Dart in AC Valhalla business is said to be in its place. 

Viking Eivor found a note about The Dart in AC Valhalla that hung over the ancient tower. This trail allows us to know the true nature of The Dart, who is the Tata, protector of Otta’s Wyrd. It shows that the Tata’s area is near the Quatford stables just east of Sciropescire. In Tata’s place, he stood there unaware of Eivor’s presence in the area and immediately fell on top of him.

After Tata’s death, he finds another clue in his stuff. That clue includes information about another component, Adze. Eivor found on Adze’s clue is similar to the clue he found while hunting and destroying the Zealot Cola. Additionally, that clue leads to the first Adze track.

Discover the Clues for Dart in AC Valhalla

Discover the Clue for Dart in AC Valhalla

Throughout your AC Valhalla game, you will be facing the Order of the Ancients, which is very similar to the path you take to meet the Cult of Kosmos. It seems to fit the game’s main storyline, and it is Eivor’s goal to get all the clues. Now, as you hunt for individual Order members, you may find yourself looking for The Dart in AC Valhalla, a member of the law enforcement agency.

Therefore, you must practice how to get and destroy the templar. You will follow two tracks before you know about The Dart at AC Valhalla, where he is, and how Eivor took him to victory. Therefore, you should be aware of these indicators in the game. You have the benefit of knowing about the two indicators of getting a Dart.

First, you have to find the collapsed tower east of Caustow Castle in Sciropescire after destroying Vellum. Second, peek to find a note on the eagle synchronization area east of the Castle that will help you identify the real Dart environment and allow you to destroy yourself. It seems easy to kill a Dart on a piece of paper, but it is better to kill the Vellum to get the first clue in the game. When you enter the tower, it reveals that it may confuse us while hunting.

Locations of Dart in AC Valhalla

Locations of Dart in AC Valhalla

Dart is a Guardian member of the Law branch that requires you to reach a level of 20 power to kill. It shows earlier that you have to get two clues to find and destroy the Dart in AC Valhalla. Initially, for a first clue, you should check the collapsed tower east of Caustow Castle near the southwestern border of Sciropescire.

Please make sure you will not be able to get this process if you cannot kill Vellum first. Therefore, you must kill Vellum before moving on to this order member. You can quickly find him in Glowecestre and kill him on the roof of the building where he is hiding. Once you have killed Vellum, you will indeed find the next target to see the collapsed tower east of Caustow Castle.

The tower itself seems to be an obstacle, so you have to climb from one of the windows into it. Once you find the note inside, you will immediately know who the Dart is and how he can find it in the Quatford stable east of Sciropescire.

Now, the last step is to go and destroy him. It happens harmless and does not cause any harm to Eivor. So, all these processes make you aware of the Dart in AC Valhalla to make him kill again.


Name the father of the AC Valhalla

The name of the father is King Aelfred. You get to know about his individuality after the defeat of 44 order members, which will lead you to him. He gets the Ancient order Grand Master’s title, inherited from his brother.

Did Eivor build Templars?

You can se the future origin of templar as Eivor, and some hidden ones are indulged in this process to enhance templar.

Name the main Villan in AC Valhalla

Compared to the Great Alfred in AC Valhalla, the Basim Ibn Ishaq is also the main villain of this game. He is also known as the Master of Assassin for hiding one located in Constantinople, also known for Norse as Miklagard.

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