Skyrim Race Menu Command: What Is It, and Why Is It So Great?

Skyrim Race Menu Command

Skyrim Race Menu Command is a unique feature seen in the hit video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which allows its players to change various physical attributes of the character that the player is playing. Questions related to the Skyrim Race Menu Command have been commonly asked in a lot of forums and subreddits related to the game. This article is made in an attempt to provide you with a complete and comprehensive understanding of the topic Skyrim Race Menu Command. 

That much being said let us jump right in and try to understand Skyrim Race Menu Command in detail so you that you will be able to change your dragonborn’s race with ease!

Skyrim Race Menu Command

Racemenu Skyrim

When you’re playing Skyrim, there’s a lot of things you may want to adjust from time to time. Whether that means switching from playing as a High Elf to playing as a Wood Elf, or simply changing your character’s name and appearance so you can pretend to be someone else for a while—there are all kinds of opportunities for personalization in Skyrim. There are also several different ways to change these details about your character at any given moment. For example, if you want to play as a Wood Elf, you can either spend 30 minutes making all the changes in your character creation menu or just spend 5 seconds using the command console and the race menu mods installed on your system. Here are the main commands:

Skyrim Race Menu Command – Showracemenu

The showracemenu command is a useful tool for quickly changing your character’s appearance and name in Skyrim. You can do this by opening the console and typing showracemenu. You can also bring up the console by pressing the tilde key (`) if you’re playing on PC. Once the console is open, you can navigate to the “character” tab and select “showracemenu.” From here, you can choose a new name for your character, adjust your character’s stats and race, change your character’s face, and adjust your character’s gender.

Skyrim Race Menu Command- Ts

Racemenu Skyrim

If you want to change your skin colour, you can use the “ts” or “toggleskinneditor” command. This will open up a menu that allows you to easily change your character’s skin colour. This is a great command to use if you want to change your skin colour over the course of the game. This command is also helpful if you want to change the colour of your face paint.

Player Tint and Skin Colour Change

If you want to change your player tint or skin colour, you can use the “player tint” command. This will open up a small menu with a few different skin colour options. This is a good way to quickly change your skin colour without having to go into the character menu. It’s also helpful if you’re role-playing a specific character and want to match their skin tone as closely as possible.

Player Name Change

If you want to change your player name, you can use the “player name” command. To do this, you’ll have to type “player name [new name]” into the console. This is a good command if you want to change your name but don’t want to go through the character creation menu again. It also comes in handy if you’re role-playing and want to change your name to fit the character.

Race Change 

If you want to change the race of your character, you can use the “player race [race]” command. You’ll have to type “player race woodelf” or whatever race you’d like to become. This is a good command if you want to permanently change your race and don’t want to go through the character creation menu again. It also comes in handy if you’re role-playing and want to change your race to fit the character you’re playing.

Body Change 

If you want to change your body type, you can use the “setscale [number]” command. This will change your character’s overall size of the body and change the body type. You can type “setscale [number] 1” to make your character smaller or “setscale [number] 2” to make your character bigger.

Face Change 

If you want to change the shape of your face, you can use the “face [face]” or “face [face] 2” command. This as the name suggests will result in the change in your character’s facial structure. You can type “face [face] Nord” or “face [face] 2” to change your face shape.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is there a command to change the race Skyrim?

In order to change the race of the Dragonborn, you will need to make use of the setrace command first. After doing so you will need to use the showracemenu option. A menu will pop up that reveals your new race. You will still have the same level of magica, stamina and health provided that you don’t change your race once again.

How do I change my appearance in Skyrim?

In order to be able to change your appearance in Skyrim first you will need to travel to the place named Riften. After reaching there you will need to enter the place known as Ratway and clear it. After this get inside the Ragged Flagon and then find Galathil. You should pay Galathil and this will result in you being able to change your face.

How do I open race menu?

You can open the Race Menu by typing down “showracemenu” and then pressing enter. This will make the character creation screen pop up. Press the ‘~’ on your keyboard to close the console so that you can begin to make changes to your character.

What is the tallest race in Skyrim?

The tallest race in Skyrim is the Altmer. Another tall race is the High Elves.

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The Skyrim race menu command mod makes it easy to change your character’s race, name, and other details without having to go through the character creation menu. It’s a great mod to use if you want to role-play as a character other than yourself for a while or want to change your appearance without wasting hours on the character creation menu.

Hopefully, this article has been insightful and has cleared all the doubts that you would have regarding the topic of Skyrim Race Menu Command and this would lead to you being able to change your race easily and have a more enjoyable and free gaming experience while playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim!

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